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Funeral Program
Funeral program Guneku August 7, 2013
Funeral program for the compound -
                                                                        ORDER OF SERVICE
MIN: IIn the name of God the Father , the Son  and the Holy Spirit.
CONG: Amen
Min: The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ  be with you all.
Cong: And also  with you.
Min: Our help is in the name of the Lord
Cong: Who made heaven and earth.
THE OPENING HYMN:   My Faith Has Found  A Resting Place
1. My faith has found a resting place
    Not in deviice nor creed,
    I trust the ever living one
    His wounds for me shall plead.

        I need no other argument

       i need no other plea

       It is enough that Jesus died
        And died He died for

2. Enough for me that Jesus saves
    This ends my fear and doubt
    A sinful soul I come to Him
    He'll never cast me out
3. My heart is leaning on the word
    The written word of God
     Salvation by my Saviour's name
     Salvation through His blood.

4.  My great physician heals the sick
    The lost  He came to save
    For me his precious blood He shed
    For me His life he gave.
The Lord your God who has compassion on you says; "the mountains may depart and the hills may be removed , but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my covenant of peace shall not be removed".
Min. Let us pray with the wordingsof  Ps. 103
The lord is merciful and loving
slow to become angry and full of constant love.
He does not keep on rebuking ; He is not angry forever
He does not punish us as we deserve or repay us
according to our sins and wrongs.

As high as the sky is above the earth,
Sogreat is His love for those who honour Him
As far as the east is from the west ,
as a father is kind to his children,
So the lord is kind to those who honour Him.

He knows what we are made of;
He remembers that we are dust
And for us, our life is like grass.
We grow and flourish like a wild flower
Then the wind blows on it, and it is gone.
SONG : RCH  689
1.  I HEAR  they welcome voice
That calls me , lord to thee
for cleansing in thy precious blood
that flowed on Calvary.
      I am coming Lord
     coming now to thee
     wash me cleanse me in the blood
     That  flowed on Calvary.
2.  This Jesus  calls me on
To pefect  faith and love
To perfect hope and peace and trust
For earth and HEAVEN  above

3. 'Tis Jesus  who confirms
the blessed work within ,
By adding  grace to welcome grace ,
 where reigned the power of sin.

4.All hail Atoning blood !
 All hail redeeming grace!
 All hail the gift of Christ our Lord ,
 Our strength and  Rightneousness.
MIN: "Lord  , how long will i live? when shall i die?
        Tell me how soon my live will end."

CONG:How short you have made my life
         in your sight my lifetime seems nothing.
          Indeed every living being is no more than a puff of wind,

 MIN:  No more than a shadow . All they do is for nothing :
          They gather wealth, but don't know who will get it.

CONG: What, then, can   I hope for Lord?
MIN:  Save me from all my sins ,
         And don't let fools laugh at me.

CONG:  I  will keep quiet ;i will not say a word,
           For you are the one who made me suffer like this?

MIN:  Don't punish me anymore !
        I am about to die from your blows .

CONG: You punish our sins by your rebukes
          And like  a moth you destroy what we love
          Indeed we are no more than a puff of wind.

MIN:  Hear my prayer , Lord , and listen to my cry
        Come to my aid when i weep.Like my ancestors ,
       I am only your guest for a little while.

CONG:  leave me alone  so that i may have some happiness ,
           before i go away and am no more.

MIN:  Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

CONG: As itwas in the beginning , is now, and ever shall be, world without end . Amen.

1 Jesus , keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain,
free  to all - a healing stream--------
Flows from Calvary's mountain
      In the cross , in the cross
      Be my Glory  ever,
      Till my raptured soul  shall ffind
      Rest, beyond the river.

2. Near the cross , a trembling soul,
    Love and mercy  foun me,
   There the bright and morning star ,
    Sheds ats beam around
3. Near the cross ! Oh Lamb of God ,
   Bring its scenes before me:
   Help me walk  from day to day ,
With its shadow o'er me

4. Nera the cross I 'll watch and wait,
    Hoping , trusting ever,
   Till I reach the golden strand
      Just beyond the river.
 First  lesson ...........
Second leson............
Song:  He knows .................
1.He knows my thoughts , my ways my deeds
   My Jesus knows it all
   E'ry part in me His hand hath made 
   He knows it all my total  heart ,
   Nothing is hidden from my Lord,
   He knows he know it all.

2.  In the darkness or bright sunlight
     He knows , he knows it all,
     In depths beneath or heights above
     He knows  he knows it all
     What e'er  i do  what e'er i say
     He notes and takes into account
     What e'er i say  or do.
3.  He plans  my ways he directs me
    He knows  he knows it all.
    In times of woes in times of joy
HE'S  there  and knows it all
 His plans for me  are in His hands
He plans and controls everything
yes Jesus  knows it all.

4. My life on earth my Jesus knows
His hand provides me strength.
If i should leave this earthly home
Jesus has one for me
 Jesus loves me  beyond control,
I am the sheep of his pasture
He loves me thios i know.


MIN:   Let usnow commend our sister Odilia Bih  Fongho  into the hands of God , our maker and Redeemer.
         O God , our heavenly father , by your mighty  power , you gave us life,and in your great love  you have given us new   life in Jesus Christ

We commend  Odilia Bih FONGHO  ,our sister ,to your merciful keeping: and pray that in your infinite love and  mercy , you will bring with your whole church , living and departed in the Lord Jesus  to a joyful resurrection:
and the fulfillment of HIS ertenal kingdom , through the same Jesus Christ  , Y our son  our lord , who died , and  rose again  to save us , and now is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit  forever and ever.
CONG:   Amen


MIN:  Lord let your servant  depart in peace

CONG: According to your will.

MIN:  For my eyes have seen your salvation

CONG:  Which you have prepared in the sight of every people

MIN: The light to enlighten the nations

CONG: And the glory of your people Israel

MIN: Glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit

CONG:  As it was in the beginning , is now and ever shall be , world without end  . Amen


The Salutation
 The Opening Sentence
The Committal
The lesson of the resurrection  and hope
THE prayer  
The Benediction.
Alice & Irene Fongho July 23, 2013
Funeral Program in Boston and Atlanta

FRIDAY, August 2, 2013 in Boston
             Address : 261 Huntington Ave
                            Huntington Ave Hyde Park, Ma 02136
                             ( without corpse)

5pm -- 7pm      Arrival of guest/ mourners
7pm -- 8pm      Prayers andmeditation 
8pm --10pm    Dinner 
10pm    Eulogies by Alice Fongho
                              Dr Agwo Tata
                              Ake Rose
                              Bridget Soh
                              Harriet Awumoh 
                              Lawrence Tendo 
                              Yadje Njinda etc

SATURDAY August 3, 2013 in Atlanta
               (Wake with corpse)

3pm -- 5pm    Viewing and last respect to sister Odile at Funeral Home

Address:    744 South Central Avenue
                 Atlanta Ga 30354

                 Tel: 404 7612687

6pm -- 10pm  Reception at 
           F. A. D  banquet Hall 
           3565 Austell Rd 
           MARIETTA GA 30008


6 --7 pm  prayers and songs.
              Eulogies By Irene / Alice
              DR Tata Fabian representative of Mothers family 
               Dr Bah Tanwi   representative of Fathers family
               Mr Amobi Alphonse brother -in-law
               Nwafor Amobi JR nephew
               Gwendoline  Friend etc
7pm-- 10pm  Dinner songs etc

SATURDAY, August 24th 2013 in Guneku

Funeral rights and Burial at family residence in Guneku, Meta.


***Dress code PINK / BLACK /WHITE***

Irenes' home address
5718 Graceland dr
Powder springs Ga 30127



Alice 617 827 2282
            Irene- 404 917 5147
            Yadje-617 5101103
            Dean Gawum-703 586 5665

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